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Surely Joseph thought this was the time he would get out of prison, but God had a different time in mind and His timing worked out for the best.

BibleGateway: Genesis 40:1-23 ESV Text: Genesis 40:1-23 KJV Text: Genesis 40:1-23 The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 3:14      1 And it came to pass after these things, that the butler of… Surely Joseph thought this was the time he would get out of prison, but God had a different time in mind and His timing worked out for the best.

We are not saved by keeping the Law outwardly, but we are saved by trusting inwardly in Jesus. Compare the heart of a Pharisee to that of the Syrophoenician woman.

BibleGateway: Mark 7:17-30 ESV Text: Mark 7:17-30 KJV Text: Mark 7:17-30 The section starts at about 2:10 and ends at about 3:59 17 And when he was entered into the house from the people, his… We are not saved by keeping the Law outwardly, but we are saved by trusting inwardly in Jesus. Compare the heart of a Pharisee to that of the Syrophoenician woman.

With our sins we dug a hole we could not get out of ourselves, but God raised us up by sending His Son to suffer for those sins in our place. Praise Him forever!

BibleGateway: Psalm 30 ESV Text: Psalm 30 KJV Text: Psalms 30:1-12 KJV Text (alt. audio): Chapter 30:      1 A Psalm and Song at the dedication of the house of David. I will extol thee, O… With our sins we dug a hole we could not get out of ourselves, but God raised us up by sending His Son to suffer for those sins in our place. Praise Him forever!

The Lord is almighty and enthroned as king forever, yet what does He do with all that strength? He uses it to bless His people and give them peace!

BibleGateway: Psalm 29 ESV Text: Psalm 29 KJV Text: Psalms 29:1-11 KJV Text (alt. audio): Chapter 29: 1 A Psalm of David. Give unto the LORD, O ye mighty, give unto the LORD glory and… The Lord is almighty and enthroned as king forever, yet what does He do with all that strength? He uses it to bless His people and give them peace!

What do think of the revenge Dinah’s brothers took out on Shechem? What do you think of the reason (v. 31) they gave for doing it? Have you heard reasoning like that before?

BibleGateway: Genesis 34:1-31 ESV Text: Genesis 34:1-31 KJV Text: Genesis 34:1-31 The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 4:15      1 And Dinah the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went… What do think of the revenge Dinah’s brothers took out on Shechem? What do you think of the reason (v. 31) they gave for doing it? Have you heard reasoning like that before?

Do you have religious customs and traditions? It’s okay if you do, but if you insist on them like they are the Lord’s commandments, you’ve gone too far.

BibleGateway: Mark 7:1-15 ESV Text: Mark 7:1-15 KJV Text: Mark 7:1-15 The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 2:15      1 Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes,… Do you have religious customs and traditions? It’s okay if you do, but if you insist on them like they are the Lord’s commandments, you’ve gone too far.

Jesus’ miracles were not for mere entertainment, but met the earthly needs of the people—and more importantly showed them that He was the Christ from God.

BibleGateway: Luke 9:10-17 ESV Text: Luke 9:10-17 KJV Text: Luke 9:10-17 The section starts at about 0:59 and ends at about 2:21      10 And the apostles, when they were returned, told him all that they… Jesus’ miracles were not for mere entertainment, but met the earthly needs of the people—and more importantly showed them that He was the Christ from God.

When Herod caught word of Jesus he was only interested in the entertainment value he could get from him, just as he had been with John the Baptist.

BibleGateway: Luke 9:1-9 ESV Text: Luke 9:1-9 KJV Text: Luke 9:1-9 The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 1:8      1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and… When Herod caught word of Jesus he was only interested in the entertainment value he could get from him, just as he had been with John the Baptist.

The Lord heard Jacob’s prayer and came to Him in person to bless Him. The wrestling match was to teach Jacob not ever to let go of the God He trusted.

BibleGateway: Genesis 32:22-32 ESV Text: Genesis 32:22-32 KJV Text: Genesis 32:22-32 The section starts at about 3:2 and ends at about 4:38 22 And he rose up that night, and took his two wives, and… The Lord heard Jacob’s prayer and came to Him in person to bless Him. The wrestling match was to teach Jacob not ever to let go of the God He trusted.

An anxious meeting with Esau was on the horizon, but Jacob took his concerns to the Lord in prayer. The Lord’s answer comes next …

BibleGateway: Genesis 32:1-21 ESV Text: Genesis 32:1-21 KJV Text: Genesis 32:1-21 The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 3:11      1 And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met… An anxious meeting with Esau was on the horizon, but Jacob took his concerns to the Lord in prayer. The Lord’s answer comes next …

God had greatly blessed Jacob’s family, but Rachel just had to grab a few more things for herself. When tempted, it’s hard to keep our hands to ourselves.

BibleGateway: Genesis 31:1-21 ESV Text: Genesis 31:1-21 KJV Text: Genesis 31:1-21 The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 2:46      1 And he heard the words of Laban’s sons, saying, Jacob hath taken… God had greatly blessed Jacob’s family, but Rachel just had to grab a few more things for herself. When tempted, it’s hard to keep our hands to ourselves.