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Paul encourages Timothy to maintain proper order in the public services of the local congregations. This proper order includes the prohibition of women exercising authority over men.

BibleGateway: 1 Timothy 2 ESV Text: 1 Timothy 2 1 Timothy 2 (Listen) Pray for All People 2:1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for… Paul encourages Timothy to maintain proper order in the public services of the local congregations. This proper order includes the prohibition of women exercising authority over men.

Paul urges Timothy to oppose false teachers, reminds him of the power of the Gospel, and encourages him to continue fighting for the truth.

BibleGateway: 1 Timothy 1 ESV Text: 1 Timothy 1 1 Timothy 1 (Listen) Greeting 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, 2 To Timothy, my… Paul urges Timothy to oppose false teachers, reminds him of the power of the Gospel, and encourages him to continue fighting for the truth.

David petitions the Lord for deliverance and for justice. We join David in this prayer. Covered by the blood of Christ, we are righteous in the sight of God.

BibleGateway: Psalm 7 ESV Text: Psalm 7 Psalm 7 (Listen) In You Do I Take Refuge A Shiggaion1 of David, which he sang to the LORD concerning the words of Cush, a Benjaminite. 7:1   O LORD… David petitions the Lord for deliverance and for justice. We join David in this prayer. Covered by the blood of Christ, we are righteous in the sight of God.

Boasting and deceit lead to destruction. We rejoice that the Lord has redeemed us and has covered us in His own righteousness.

BibleGateway: Psalm 5 ESV Text: Psalm 5 Psalm 5 (Listen) Lead Me in Your Righteousness To the choirmaster: for the flutes. A Psalm of David. 5:1   Give ear to my words, O LORD;    consider my groaning.2   Give attention… Boasting and deceit lead to destruction. We rejoice that the Lord has redeemed us and has covered us in His own righteousness.

Despite the malice of those who speak evil of him, David trusts in the Lord for deliverance. Knowing that the Lord will deliver us from every evil, we may sleep peacefully at night.

BibleGateway: Psalm 4 ESV Text: Psalm 4 Psalm 4 (Listen) Answer Me When I Call To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments. A Psalm of David. 4:1   Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!    You… Despite the malice of those who speak evil of him, David trusts in the Lord for deliverance. Knowing that the Lord will deliver us from every evil, we may sleep peacefully at night.