Jesus makes Himself known to us through His word.
BibleGateway: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 ESV Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 KJV Text: The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 1:38 1 And the… Read More »Jesus makes Himself known to us through His word.
BibleGateway: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 ESV Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 KJV Text: The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 1:38 1 And the… Read More »Jesus makes Himself known to us through His word.
BibleGateway: John 1:35-42 ESV Text: John 1:35-42 KJV Text: The section starts at about 3:49 and ends at about 4:54 35 Again the next day… Read More »They heard John, and they followed Jesus.
BibleGateway: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 ESV Text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 KJV Text: The section starts at about 1:28 and ends at about 2:50 12 All things… Read More »Our bodies are gifts from God, bought with a price. Give glory to God!
BibleGateway: Genesis 17:15-22 ESV Text: Genesis 17:15-22 KJV Text: The section starts at about 1:58 and ends at about 3:15 15 And God said unto… Read More »Abraham’s initial laughter was quieted by God’s gracious promise. [Commemoration of Sarah]
BibleGateway: John 1:43-51 ESV Text: John 1:43-51 KJV Text: The section starts at about 4:47 and ends at about 6:6 43 The day following Jesus… Read More »What stunned Nathanael? He realized Jesus had heard His prayer from under the tree.
BibleGateway: John 6:28-40 ESV Text: John 6:28-40 KJV Text: The section starts at about 3:32 and ends at about 5:20 28 Then said they unto… Read More »Father and Son share the same desire: To save all people from their sins.
BibleGateway: Matthew 10:32-39 ESV Text: Matthew 10:32-39 KJV Text: The section starts at about 3:42 and ends at about 4:43 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess… Read More »Following Jesus means putting His desires ahead of our own. No harm in that!
BibleGateway: Genesis 1:1-5 ESV Text: Genesis 1:1-5 KJV Text: The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 0:40 1 In the beginning God… Read More »The universe and everything in it were created by God.
BibleGateway: Romans 10:8-18 ESV Text: Romans 10:8-18 KJV Text: The section starts at about 0:49 and ends at about 2:23 8 But what saith it?… Read More »All who trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sin are saved.
BibleGateway: Romans 6:1-11 ESV Text: Romans 6:1-11 KJV Text: The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 1:29 1 What shall we say… Read More »Remember whose child you are!
BibleGateway: Mark 1:4-11 ESV Text: Mark 1:4-11 KJV Text: The section starts at about 0:18 and ends at about 1:25 4 John did baptize in… Read More »Jesus’ baptism reveals Him as the appointed Savior from heaven.
BibleGateway: Matthew 2:1-12 ESV Text: Matthew 2:1-12 KJV Text: The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 1:49 1 Now when Jesus was… Read More »It’s true they saw the star, but the prophet’s Word was their real guiding light.