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The Lord will judge the nations. We would have every reason to be terrified of the judgment of the Lord, but Jesus Christ has accomplished our redemption.

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BibleGateway: Isaiah 34 ESV Text: Isaiah 34 Isaiah 34 (Listen) Judgment on the Nations 34:1   Draw near, O nations, to hear,    and give attention, O peoples!  Let the earth hear, and all that fills it;    the world, and all… The Lord will judge the nations. We would have every reason to be terrified of the judgment of the Lord, but Jesus Christ has accomplished our redemption.

At the appointed time, Assyria will face the judgment of the Lord. The Lord will save His people.

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BibleGateway: Isaiah 33 ESV Text: Isaiah 33 Isaiah 33 (Listen) O Lord, Be Gracious to Us 33:1   Ah, you destroyer,    who yourself have not been destroyed,  you traitor,    whom none has betrayed!  When you have ceased to destroy,    you will be… At the appointed time, Assyria will face the judgment of the Lord. The Lord will save His people.

The Lord will deliver His people by sending them a just and righteous King. Jerusalem will be destroyed, but later the Lord will redeem His people and they will live in peace and security.

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BibleGateway: Isaiah 32 ESV Text: Isaiah 32 Isaiah 32 (Listen) A King Will Reign in Righteousness 32:1   Behold, a king will reign in righteousness,    and princes will rule in justice.2   Each will be like a hiding place from… The Lord will deliver His people by sending them a just and righteous King. Jerusalem will be destroyed, but later the Lord will redeem His people and they will live in peace and security.

Trust not in horses and in chariots, but trust in the Lord. Trust not in idols made with human hands, but trust in the Lord.

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BibleGateway: Isaiah 31 ESV Text: Isaiah 31 Isaiah 31 (Listen) Woe to Those Who Go Down to Egypt 31:1   Woe1 to those who go down to Egypt for help    and rely on horses,  who trust in chariots because… Trust not in horses and in chariots, but trust in the Lord. Trust not in idols made with human hands, but trust in the Lord.