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Israel and his children settle in the land of Goshen. On behalf of Pharaoh, Joseph sells food to the Egyptians. Joseph promises to have Israel buried in the land of Canaan.

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BibleGateway: Genesis 47 ESV Text: Genesis 47 Genesis 47 (Listen) Jacob’s Family Settles in Goshen 47:1 So Joseph went in and told Pharaoh, “My father and my brothers, with their flocks and herds and all that… Israel and his children settle in the land of Goshen. On behalf of Pharaoh, Joseph sells food to the Egyptians. Joseph promises to have Israel buried in the land of Canaan.

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers. Pharaoh invites the brothers of Joseph to bring their households and to settle in Egypt.

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BibleGateway: Genesis 45 ESV Text: Genesis 45 Genesis 45 (Listen) Joseph Provides for His Brothers and Family 45:1 Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him. He cried, “Make everyone go… Joseph reveals himself to his brothers. Pharaoh invites the brothers of Joseph to bring their households and to settle in Egypt.

The Lord invites His chosen people to believe His promises of deliverance. The suffering Servant, Jesus Christ, appears in order to accomplish salvation for all people.

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BibleGateway: Isaiah 50 ESV Text: Isaiah 50 Isaiah 50 (Listen) Israel’s Sin and the Servant’s Obedience 50:1   Thus says the LORD:  “Where is your mother’s certificate of divorce,    with which I sent her away?  Or which of my creditors… The Lord invites His chosen people to believe His promises of deliverance. The suffering Servant, Jesus Christ, appears in order to accomplish salvation for all people.

Saul disobeys the instructions of the Lord, and Samuel rebukes him. The Lord rejects Saul, promising through Samuel to give the kingdom of Israel to a different king.

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BibleGateway: 1 Samuel 15 ESV Text: 1 Samuel 15 1 Samuel 15 (Listen) The Lord Rejects Saul 15:1 And Samuel said to Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you king over his people Israel; now… Saul disobeys the instructions of the Lord, and Samuel rebukes him. The Lord rejects Saul, promising through Samuel to give the kingdom of Israel to a different king.