Repent! When we confess our sins, and then find full relief in the Savior’s forgiveness, fruits of repentance will naturally follow. Our faith in Jesus is a living thing, which, seeks to correct what is amiss in our lives. All praise to the Holy Spirit for the fruit He produces in our lives.
BibleGateway: Luke 3:1-16 ESV Text: Luke 3:1-16 KJV Text: Luke 3:1-16 The section starts at about 0:0 and ends at about 2:33 1 Now in… Read More »Repent! When we confess our sins, and then find full relief in the Savior’s forgiveness, fruits of repentance will naturally follow. Our faith in Jesus is a living thing, which, seeks to correct what is amiss in our lives. All praise to the Holy Spirit for the fruit He produces in our lives.